This two-line story needs two pieces of background.
1. I want to die the day I turn sixty. I think that is enough life for me, it will reduce my carbon print, etc. I am not going to go into a discussion about this, this is just what I want.
Of course, I would be lying if I didn’t add that as I age, I feel like maybe I will shift the expiry date to 65. But that’s it. No more bargaining, ok?
2. Navin has some family history of a genetic degenerative eye disease. As the person ages, their vision becomes more and more blurred to the extent that they can make out only gross shapes and colours. Recently, a relatively younger person, in their mid-50s) in the family has been detected with early signs. Another person in the same age group is also complaining of a problem in vision. Navin will get himself checked soon.
Sorry, there is one more piece of background you will need: Both, Navin and I have a dark sense of humour.
So the two-line story at breakfast today went:
Me: You know the first thought that comes to my mind when I think that you might have it too? My ‘die at 60 plan’ goes for a toss.
Navin: Oh, don’t worry, the day I see early signs, I will start learning braille and equip myself for other things too.
In sickness, in health. In embarrassment,
in annoyance.Does a scuba-trip count as “death do us part”?
~ ~ ~
This ageing couple’s memory is becoming more and more questionable by the day. Therefore, the need to record that they are the most comic couple there can be. Ok, fine, most dark-comic couple.