tears of joy – not cliche anymore

Posted by meeta on May 5, 2008

for the first time yesterday morning, abu tread water in the pool without any floats!!!! now, he is all excited about learning how to swim fast (translated to breathing, moving hands and legs in coordination, etc – because according to him he already knows how to swim, you see, he can be in water without drowning for over 5 years now).

yesterday evening –

we were listening to some song (can’t remember which one) which the kids had seen on TV
rabad – mamma, is she sad?
me – no, she is actually very happy
rabad – then why was she crying in TV?
me – sometimes when we are very very happy, tears come out of our eyes. they are called happy tears.

abu – just like i was very happy this morning when i swam without floats and pappa said, “i am very proud of you, baby”, a tear came out of my eye…

ps. abu went on to clarify that the tear was not from swimming, but was a real tear

Categories: aaaaawww,abu,rabad,why?

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