abu hits bull’s eye

Posted by meeta on October 12, 2015

We were telling some friends about our decision to not have kids in the US and start a family only after moving back to India. More importantly, the discussion revolved around how relatives in the US gave me grief over not being able to convince Navin to stay back. Then the argument usually turned into, […Read More…]

Generation Gap

Posted by meeta on June 2, 2015

rabad is bored. It’s that time of the year again – the fag end of summer vacation. All the enthusiasm for a vacation has worn out. I can’t entertain her 24*7 (well, I can’t entertain her even .24*7, but that is another story). So, here she goes – “The kids of this generation have very […Read More…]

Why is somebody saying “Why dont you die”?

Posted by navin on October 11, 2011

The following is a real conversation I had yesterday with Mr. X (who will remain nameless to save him public embarrassment :-)) over Facebook chat and SMS. I was sitting at my computer, and suddenly, without any warning or context, the following facebook chat message from Mr. X to me popped up: why dont u […Read More…]

Categories: aaaaawww,abu,navin,why?

What do you think of Mom?

Posted by navin on August 11, 2011

A couple of days, I saw a random email forward with humorous answers from kids to a bunch of questions. I decided to find out what kinds of answers would Abu and Rabad give to the same questions. So here goes. Why did God make mothers? [Abu]: Because if mother didn’t exist, you didn’t exist […Read More…]

Talking about Anna Hazare

Posted by navin on April 8, 2011

So I was explaining the whole Anna Hazare situation to Abu & Rabad, and realized that there was a lot of explaining to do. “You know, sometimes, our leaders take money from bad people and do bad things for them. That is called corruption. Is that a good thing?” “No” “What should happen to leaders […Read More…]

When I was a kid …

Posted by navin on November 17, 2010

Recently I received a “email forward” which listed the various ways in which the world has changed since I was a kid. Stuff like when I was a kid we didn’t have The Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and look it up ourselves, in the […Read More…]

Education – 2

Posted by navin on July 7, 2009

“Do you have any homework today, Abu?” I asked. “Yes, I have to draw some sea animal. But I can’t draw.” “Of course you can draw. Let me give you an idea.” So I showed him a picture of the Manta Ray from a book we had, and I gave him tips on how could […Read More…]

calling their bluff and more baby talk

Posted by meeta on May 19, 2009

about 2 months ago rabad had a bad fall on her head. yeah, we do that every once in a while. to cut a long, scary story short, she had to be in the ICU for a day just for observation. needless to say she was fine in about 2 hours of being in the […Read More…]

Categories: aaaaawww,rabad

relatively speaking

Posted by meeta on December 4, 2008

just a few minutes ago. rabad (she’s sitting and hugging my feet while i stand)- mamma, i like you very much. i like you more than i like myself. who said i wont be using this forum to brag? but seriously, can’t believe the layers that that one sentence has. obviously, the brag. but then […Read More…]

Categories: aaaaawww,rabad

Sweet dreams!!

Posted by navin on July 30, 2008

It’s 7:15am, and Abu needs to start getting ready for school by 7:30. He also likes to watch a little TV before that. And, if some day, he doesn’t wake up before 7:30, he gets a little grumpy because he didn’t get to watch TV. So I go to his room and try to wake […Read More…]

Categories: aaaaawww,abu