Equality – not just equal opportunity for women to do “masculine” things; but equal importance for “feminine” things

Varsha Joshi has an interesting article on On Feminism and Femininity where she talks about what is missing in most modern discussions about equality for women:

Here is the key argument:

Feminism till now has been about giving women an equal space in what was traditionally the masculine outer world. The world of work, politics, power, wealth, travel, and of making life decisions.


However, there is another world, equally vital for human life, where women ruled for all the centuries that men ruled the outside world.

This is the traditionally feminine inner world of childcare, house-care, emotional health, grace, beauty, and bliss.


The real problem with this traditional division of masculine and feminine wasn’t that these were things that women did- it was that women weren’t allowed to do other things; and that men weren’t sufficiently part of these things.

Things have changed to accommodate the first problem, but not the second. This creates a double burden on women, for which feminism is yet to give a solution. And it leaves men out of some of the best things in life. 

Read the full article