Conan O’Brien Hates Your Country

Conan O’Brien is the host of NBC’s show Late Nite and apparently is insulting all countries in the world. See this webpage:

Awhile ago, Conan did a bit where he showed fake Euro coins. One of those coins made fun of the Ukraine, which provoked a lot of angry letters. Here’s the interesting part: those letters were from the Ukraine. Conan had no idea that Late Night was aired in the Ukraine, and began to wonder where else he was on. You would think he could just ask NBC, but they won’t tell him, because then they’d have to pay him more.

There is just one way to find out, and that is to viciously insult every nation in the world, and see which ones he gets letters from.

Some example insults:

The bad news is, there’s a new article about everyone farming opium.
The good news is, you can’t read.

Hey, call me when your life expectancy catches up with your inflation rate.

Home to more than 800 species of unregulated breast implants.

A nation so richly diverse, you can walk into a single neighborhood and find cholera, dengue fever, malaria, typhoid, and plague.

See the whole list. Very funny.

Serious thought: If you really took the trouble to find out why each insult there was funny, you would be more knowledgeable about world affairs than most other people in the world.

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