A Brief Introduction To RISC — Rural Infrastructure & Services Commons

The Indian Economy Blog
has an interesting article on an initiative which is trying to prove that development does not necessarily mean urbanization. It first lays out the arguments as to why urbanization is “usual” path to development, and then goes on to suggest an alternative.

It is therefore argued that ‘village-centric’ development is not feasible because of resource limitations and because people naturally tend to migrate out of villages to cities. Furthermore, it not desirable since a vibrant economy depends on the aggregation of the population into units much larger than a small village. In short, investing scarce resources into villages is short-sighted and uneconomical.

Based on the above considerations, a model for rural development has been conceived called RISC – Rural Infrastructure and Services Commons. The RISC idea is to bring to the rural population the full set of services that are normally available only in urban locations. It works within the constraints of limited resources by focusing attention to and concentrating investments at specific locations to obtain economies of scale, scope, and agglomeration.

Little things make a big difference

When it comes to driving traffic to a website, seemingly minor things
make a big difference. I have a fairly popular (i.e. high traffic)
website at http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~navin/india/songs.

Since movie
reviews are related to the content of that site, I decided that it
would be acceptable to post a link to
http://withoutgivingthemovieaway.com on that page. Initially, I
simply put in a link that said

Check out Meeta’s Hindi Movie Reviews

This was not bad. About 3 to 5 percent of the visitors to the songs
site clicked through to this link. That gave a reasonable amount of

Then, I had an idea. I changed to link to something that looks like

Check out Meeta’s Hindi Movie Reviews (Risk, Guru, Bhagam Bhag, Dhoom-2…)

Seems like a minor change. But as soon as I made this change, traffic
instantly doubled; or maybe tripled. The click-throughs to the main
site stayed approximately the same as before. But now, in addition,
each individual movie page listed above was also drawing traffic.
Interestingly, this traffic appeared to be related to
the popularity of the movie and how recent it was.

Setting up a successful website

I have decided to use this blog to chronicle the process of setting up a successful website. Specifically, Meeta has started writing hindi movie reviews and and I suggested to her that she should have her own website where she publishes these reviews. Now, she is actually hoping that some day in the distant future this converts into a money-making venture for her. The question is, will it work? I am hoping to blog our experiences along the way. What did it take to set up the website? How did we work on increasing traffic to the site? What worked, what did not? What was easy, and what was hard?

I am not sure whether I’ll be able to keep it up. Well begun is half done, they say. Let’s see. Sometimes I surprise myself. Let’s hope this is one of those instances.