The complete A-list of the Indian Blogosphere

Gyaan Sutra has painstakingly created a complete A-list of the Indian Blogosphere. It is rather useful, because I was unable to find any other place which gives a nice list of the top Indian blogs. Alexa does provide a list of top websites visited by people in India, but that is not the same (but did you know that Orkut is #2?).

Here’s the top 10:

01. 006,998 Digital Inspiration
02. 007,732 IndianPad
03. 013,154 Quick Online Tips
04. 030,529 Tech Buzz
05. 036,136 Content Sutra
06. 045,388 Tech Whack
07. 051,848 AlooTechie
08. 051,900 Sepia Mutiny
09. 057,602 Kamat
10. 075,448 Anil Dash

And he goes up to 80.  See the full list – it’s quite interesting.

How to be a great audience

Marketing guru Seth Godin has a nice article on how a good audience can bring the best out of a speaker or performer. Too many people go passively, falling into the trap of just waiting for information to be poured into their heads. But a good, active audience gets more from the presenter – more energy, more focussed answers, and more generally, form better relationships.

The next time someone says, “any questions,” ask one. Just ask.

The next time you see a play that is truly outstanding, lead the standing ovation at the end.

The next time you have an itch to send an email to a political blogger or post a comment or do a trackback, do it. Make it a habit.

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