A few minutes back, I blogged about one of my favorite obscure songs, Ye Akkha India Jaanta Hai. Leaving things at that would have been unfair to my other favorite, Julie Julie. So I went and hunted it down on YouTube, and here it is:
Author: navin
Song: Akkha India Janta Hain
One of my favorite (obscure) songs. Now on YouTube:
On occasion, if we are singing songs around a campfire with a group of riends, this is one of the songs I sing, along with my other obscure favorite, Julie, Julie.
Thanks to the hindi movie masala blog for the link.
Overcoming Bias: Applause Lights
Read this paragraph and think about it:
I am here to propose to you today that we need to balance the risks and opportunities of advanced Artificial Intelligence. We should avoid the risks and, insofar as it is possible, realize the opportunities. We should not needlessly confront entirely unnecessary dangers. To achieve these goals, we must plan wisely and rationally. We should not act in fear and panic, or give in to technophobia; but neither should we act in blind enthusiasm. We should respect the interests of all parties with a stake in the Singularity. We must try to ensure that the benefits of advanced technologies accrue to as many individuals as possible, rather than being restricted to a few. We must try to avoid, as much as possible, violent conflicts using these technologies; and we must prevent massive destructive capability from falling into the hands of individuals. We should think through these issues before, not after, it is too late to do anything about them…
Before reading further, decide what you think of this paragraph. Then see full article in which it is embedded. I think you’ll like it.