Ten Politically Incorrect Truths(?) About Human Nature

See this intriguing post, which as the title states, is a bunch of very politically incorrect “truths” about human nature. I have a feeling that the author has only presented one side of the argument in many cases. In other words, I feel that, at least in some cases (most notably #6 the Trivers-Willard hypothesis), unproven theories have been presented as facts without presenting the arguments or evidence against them.

Notwithstanding the lack of rigor in separating facts from theories, it still makes for very interesting reading. At the very least, these are all “plausible” theories, and do have a possibility of being true. For example:

Men strive to attain political power, consciously or unconsciously, in order to have reproductive access to a larger number of women. Reproductive access to women is the goal, political office but one means. To ask why the President of the United States would have a sexual encounter with a young woman is like asking why someone who worked very hard to earn a large sum of money would then spend it.

Read the full article. Certainly worth it. You don’t have to believe it all, but think about it…

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